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Editor's Picks: Podcasts

Microphone emerging from yellow fog

Check 'em out, won't be sorry.

The podcast universe offers space for conversations that are of interest to women who society doesn’t always deem “young” or “viable"

It’s cliché at this point to say everyone has a podcast. (Reader: Yes, I have one too and would love if you’d give it a listen. It’s called We Have Notes and it’s about all things pop culture, oft with a Gen X spin.) But one of the best things about the podcast universe is that it offers space for conversations that perhaps weren’t finding footing in other modes of media. You know, perhaps those that are of interest to women who society doesn’t always deem “young” or “viable." But we know those words are BS! So, herewith, some podcasts for our demo that we think are worth a listen:

The Deep Dive

Each week, close friends Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael (who you may know from their already amazing comedy careers) take the titular deep dive into a range of topics that matter to women over the age of 35 — but in a way that makes you feel like you’re hanging out with your own besties. That may be because sometimes they invite members of their own friend group to chat about matters both light (the art of tablescaping) to emotional (like parenting, or grief, or living through cancer). It’s always a memorable ride, and you should be prepared to feel all the feels.

Tiled style of podcasts
Waiting to X-hale

Gen X is making itself seen and heard in the culture more and more with each passing week — and we couldn't be happier. Hosts Wynter Mitchell-Rohrbaugh and Karen Tongson take on the topics of the day (and the topics of back in the day) through a Gen X lens, but also as queer women of color. You will absolutely laugh, think and learn.


Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Sean Hayes are three (famous) men of a certain age that we'd listen to chatting about anything with their equally famous guests — be it Jennifer Aniston, Maya Rudolph, Lebron James or Kathryn Hahn. Their banter is out-of-this-world hilarious, and we can never be mad at an old school Hogan Family or Silver Spoons reference.

Everything Is Fine

Lucky magazine founding editor (and former Sassy staffer) Kim France and author and editor Jenn Romolini host this show for women over 40. Bless them both for their honesty and humor and authenticity about everything from why the heck your boobs are suddenly so sore (and other weird bodily occurences for the peri-menopausal crowd) to the reunification of Bennifer — and everything in between.


Listen, into all of our lives a ridiculous (fictional) romance must fall from time to time. We need to escape, and that’s what the podcast versions of novellas offered on this feed provide. Just immerse yourself and try not to nitpick the plot holes — or do if that’s your pleasure. Either way, let the stories wash over you and help the time pass while you conduct whatever task you enjoy doing while listening to pods. Tip: Showmance is a fun one to start with.

Add to Cart

Kulap Vilaysack and SuChin Pak take on consumerism in a really interesting way as they discuss what they’re, um, adding to their shopping carts and what they’re removing. That can be beauty products, stuff being hawked by celebrities, recycled clothes, and so much more. Then they dig into what those items, and how we feel about them, say about us as individuals and as a society. Truly fascinating.

Abby Gardner
Abby Gardner is a freelance writer, editor, and host with a long career in women’s magazines and digital editorial—including Jane, Allure, YM, Marie Claire, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. You can find her musing on all things pop culture, sports, royals, fashion, and beauty on Twitter, Instagram, and in her weekly newsletter, We Have Notes and its spinoff podcast—recently named one of Vogue’s best podcasts of 2021.

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