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Daily Balance
Minimize your hot flashes and get relief from over 5 other common peri/menopause symptoms*
24-Hour Relief Duet
Uniquely crafted to preemptively address menopause symptoms, our gummies contain patent-pending ingredients to bring balance to your body & mind, both day & night.*
Peaceful Evening
Naturally powerful relief from major nighttime menopause symptoms*
Beautiful Day
Reinvigorate your hair, skin, & nails* - Single Jar
phenology beautiful day product
phenology beautiful day product
phenology beautiful day product

Phenology App

The Phenology app brings your whole menopause experience together in one place so you can know what stage you’re in, track your hormone levels, understand symptoms, get product recommendations, chat with a Phenology Coach, and discover new holistic approaches for relief.

Expert Guidance

Navigate your menopause journey with the Phenology app.

Phenology pairs our powerful expert-designed, digital assessment with one-on-one in app chat for deeper, more personalized support and coaching through your menopause journey.

Comprehensive assessment

Based on deep scientific knowledge and the gold-standard for understanding reproductive aging, our assessment includes easy-to-answer questions about your menstrual cycle and personal history for a more comprehensive understanding of your experience.

Customized content

Your interests and experiences matter and Phenology delivers content curated specifically for you.

Human connection

We recognize that getting menopause support from some healthcare providers and sifting through misinformation online is frustrating for many women. With on-demand chat, the Phenology app connects you with Phenology Coaches for an empathetic listening, holistic lifestyle management, and resources for your nutrition, health, and wellness.

Tailored products

Recommendations for products based on your interests, your body, and your time that can help relieve your most troublesome symptoms.

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Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women

Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women

Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women Naturally Powerful Menopause Science for Naturally Powerful Women

Trending Editorial

Expert advice. Effective Guidance.

Nature, meet science

Create your own personalized wellness program with tailored insights, expert guidance, and nutrition solutions so you can feel your best.